Is it your job on this planet to ignite the fire of passion and purpose?
Have you devoted yourself to serving people in need of spiritual guidance and healing?
Have you spent years studying and developing your intuitive gifts?
Have you invested your most precious energy, time and money, into creating business that transforms lives?
Have you found love and peace, after years of battling depression, anxiety, addictions, emotional self-sabotage, and forced your way out of darkness?
Do you now want to uplift people, who are looking for the light at the end of the tunnel?
If you are The Channel of true growth and transformation for this world,
I want you in!
School Of Inspired Life brings your healing gift right to the people who need it.
Together we will change the world for better.
Without sacrifice. Without compromise.
You are a HUGE, and the MOST IMPORTANT part of this equation.
Without your success, no work would be done!
School Of Inspired Life supports your professional growth, business expansion, financial success and the world-wide recognition of your healing method.
$100K in 100 Days Challenge is just a STARTER!
Any expansion of your IMPACT needs investments.
Not just of your time and devotion, but money.
To be globally recognized, attracting the right team to take your work to the masses, to deliver your products and programs and serve thousands of customers, you need more that a small boutique business.
Now it’s your time to grow.
$100K in 100 Days Program will equip you to create at least one simple revenue stream.
It will show you that YOU are completely, 100%, capable of making big money without complicated technology or spending vast amount of money you don’t yet have on systems your don’t need.
What’s the catch?
Your work ethics.

The first month of this Challenge will most likely challenge you to the core.
Your beliefs about what’s possible for you.
Your beliefs about business.
The ways you had run your life.
Your relationships and your social image.
You will have to stop playing small and, instead, will keep yourself accountable to the BIG vision you have about helping this world to heal and to grow.
Treat my invitation to JOIN the $100K in 100 days Challenge as your Initiation Into Your Life’s Work.
I know it's what you asked for!
You asked, and you got it!
Here’s what’s required:
your winning attitude
fast implementation
steady progress.
What to expect:
100% focus on making your cash.
By week 5 reaching $10K/month and having all the simple systems in place to recreate your success.
By the week 9 have a group and an online course running to secure a passive income stream, that can be increased with a boost of affiliate and paid traffic.
Repeating the process until your cup is full, confidence is back, and your BIG vision’s ready to be accomplished.
Who isn’t it for?
You don’t like doing the work.
You don’t feel like doing the work.
You don’t feel like getting over yourself and doing the work.
My method gets my clients to sell high ticket in a matter of days… if they do what’s required.
Will YOU specifically make $100K?
I don’t know!
Have you done it before?
No? What had stopped you then?
Are you ready to overcome that?
One thing I can guarantee, you will never run your business the ‘old’ way after seeing what ACTUALLY makes money.
You will have everything you possibly need to create a flow of clients and get paid consistently, for months and years to come.
My hope is, that you will CHANGE your mind about yourself, you will stop doubting your gift and desire to play big.
You will understand WHY YOU are the exactly the woman that has it all. Nothing’s missing. Nothing’s odd or wrong about you.
Money and business is what you are BORN to do… just like HEALING and ELEVATING people.
You are THE ONE.
And I will prove you that!
Author: Lira Kay
Lira Kay is an international bestselling author, founder of School Of Inspired Life, a professional training center for expert coaches and healers to become world-class and in high demand.
Lira has been assisting people to transform their lives for almost 30 years, through spiritual healing workshops, psychotherapy, art, international curatorial projects, coaching, speaking and publishing.
Lira started her life coaching business 7 years ago and successfully led many transformational programs, such as 90 Days to Love, Be Phenomenal: Mindset To Empower, $10K From Monday To Friday and a $100K in 100 Days Challenge.
Her most popular one year programs Advanced Coaches and Healers Certification and Founders Lounge help successful coaches and thought leaders launch their own schools and academies and creates a solid foundation for a 7-figure transformational business.
After traveling the world Lira lives in Walnut Creek, CA with her husband and their 5 daughters. You can learn more about Lira’s work at