If you are a naturally-born spiritual teacher, you have a true gift of transforming people's lives. You see yourself standing on big stages, taking your work to masses, leading workshops, writing books, launching programs and products.
You see your spirit and soul REALIZED through the business you create.
You know in your HEART it's what you are MEANT to do!
You have a calling. You have a PURPOSE. You are driven. Passionate. Unstoppable.

I want to celebrate how far you'd come!
Dedicated yourself to service.
Invested years and fortunes into perfecting your skills.
Went through failures and successes with a straight head on your shoulders, humble and grateful to be able to do what you love the most.
You figured out the 'business' and the hustled when it was necessary.
You made your mark.
You proved yourself.
You showed-em how it's done.
You are a true SELF-MADE WOMAN-ENTREPRENEUR and all-together SUCCESS.
Allow me to just take a breath with you and acknowledge YOUR work, without counting all the struggle and doubt, the shame of loss, and sacrifice, you had to overcome, alone, behind the scenes, in secrecy.
Being a leader can be tough.
Especially when it comes to STEPPING into the unknown of your own NEXT LEVEL DESTINY.

One of the big questions becomes - your LIFE-STYLE.
Really, how LONG you'd be able to do what you are doing now?
Traveling for speaking and workshops.
Leaving your Man, your kids, behind.
Maybe never having time and energy to love anybody at all.
High standards and independent mindset just adds to that inability to 'just hold hands, watch Netflix and chill' with some dude who's so into you that he'll regularly forgive you your know-it-all attitude and your highly masculine approach to getting shit done.
Do you know that if you keep treating your guy as a side hustle, secondary to your BIG MISSION, your relationship won't thrive or even survive?

In the early days in my business my husband had given me an ultimatum.
He would leave me and my five kids if I don't come back to my family and stop being a workaholic.
He was tired of taking care of everything, while I was saving peoples lives and 'thinking' things and 'downloading wisdoms'.
Not a pretty sight!
For two years in a row I worked with 100 clients per year... but after paying EVERYBODY - my coaches, mentors, teams... I had NOTHING to show for all the months, weeks, days and hours away and an extraordinary focus and effort I put into healing and coaching people daily.
My mind, my energy didn't belong to me.
My priorities were all f...cked up!
I was a Martyr.
I sacrificed my well-being in order to 'serve.'
I felt valued, even needed and loved.
I felt important.
And I thought that is what my LIFE is all about.
Now, when I coach my clients how to respect their time and their skillset and charge 10, 20 times as much as they do now, I ask them to 'stop working for 'likes'.
Attachment to your own feeling of superiority is costing you your financial abundance.
Let's change that!
There's nothing worse, or more pitiful, than a transformational guru who is rich-on-paper, but BROKE and BROKEN inside.
Many seven-figure woman entrepreneurs confess to their own coaches (inside of the their elite masterminds) how tired and scared they actually feel about their future.
Yes, it all looks glamorous on their banners and ads... but making money had taken its toll on them.
You can see it in their eyes. You can feel it in their body.
I know it, because I worked and coached with them...
The pain is real.
The feeling of success and victory is temporary and superficial.
Comes at the cost.
Is not what it seems.
Only worth it, when displayed and admired by others.
And, both of us, you and me, know, it's not what WE WANT!
No one started a transformational business to eventually lose their soul.
No one had committed to service to get buried in grind and shady dealings.
No one had stepped into their power to compromise their true identity and voice.
And no one in their sane mind believed that getting sick, tired, anxious and alone is what awaits them at the end of the long and hard path they've taken in order to realize their dream.
That is why I'm talking about your LIFE-STYLE.
You must accept that future's coming, and faster than you think.
So how is your current BUSINESS MODEL preps you to meet your Future Self , and close that gap between security, abundance and wealth, both, financially and in love?
Wealth of LOVE sounds amazing, isn't it!
Ease and grace of life.
Gratitude and appreciation for being here. Being present. Being powerful. Being realized as a spiritual being in your whole potential here on earth.
It will take you stepping back and re-assessing your business.
I call that process SANATORIUM.
A spiritual business retreat that activates your abundant future.
Changes you.
Sets you for life.

Want to Join My Best Selling Mastermind?
Here's How!
Apply to speak with Lira Kay personally and discuss what we are doing in our best selling program Founders Lounge.
No magic here. Just my professional skills and natural gifts and powers, accumulated over the last 30 years working with thousands of people across the globe, to help you solve your particular problem, whether it is about crossing that bridge between staying stuck and making money, being powerful in your marketing and sales, or taking you to the next level of your own spiritual growth.
Apply to Get Instant Access to All of These BONUSES:
Yes, you will get my best tools to heal your Wounded Healer so you can do your work like a pro, get phenomenal results for your clients and charge premium for it!
Yes, I am giving you my UNSCRIPTED SALES KIT! Everything you wanted to know about high ticket 5-figure sales but were afraid to ask...
I know how to teach YOU! I am an empath and a highly sensitive and intuitive person myself...
Sales and marketing were NOT my skills...
I struggled to charge people for healing, transformation and spiritual guidance and counseling...
I thought something must be really wrong with me, because I invested over $100,000 in my own coaches and trainings and didn't get results they promised with their 100% proven magic formulas and systems...
I had to swallow the bitter truth about reality of business... you can not bypass the WORK...
There's NO MAGIC PILL, or some secret sales script, or that perfect webinar flow to gift you a shortcut to success and money you want without becoming a powerful authentic leader you were born to be.
If you are willing to open your eyes to reality of running a business, being a successful profitable entrepreneur, let go of entitlement to abundance and your never-ending search for the next magic formula to million dollars, then my MASTERMIND is for you!
I discovered how to make 5-figure sales, how to charge 10X as much as any other coach on the block does and I had taught my clients, amazing EXPERTS and HEALERS, to do the same!
I am giving you access because I care that YOU....
YOU Can Continue Serving Humanity Without Doubt, Sacrifice Or Struggle.
If you know in your heart YOU’RE MEANT FOR MORE join my FOUNDERS LOUNGE AND get all of the AMAZING BONUSES for free.
Are you ready to RECEIVE the goods the Universe brought right to your door... after you've prayed AND ASKED for them?
Click the link, now is the TIME!

Author: Lira Kay
Lira Kay is an international bestselling author, founder of School Of Inspired Life, a professional training center for expert coaches and healers to become world-class and in high demand.
Lira started her life coaching business 7 years ago and successfully led many transformational programs, such as 90 Days to Love, Be Phenomenal: Mindset To Empower, $10K From Monday To Friday and a $100K in 100 Days Challenge.
Her most popular one year programs Advanced Coaches and Healers Certification and Founders Lounge help successful coaches and thought leaders launch their own schools and academies and creates a solid foundation for a 7-figure transformational business.
After traveling the world with her husband and their 5 daughters Lira now lives in Hawaii. You can learn more about Lira’s work at www.schoolofinspiredlife.com